Erfpacht – ground lease

Erfpachttermen vertaald in het Engels

For advice on ground lease (or land lease) in the English language please call.

Het voortdurende recht van erfpacht op de grond in eigendom van de gemeente Amsterdam met de rechten van de erfpachter op de daarop gestichte opstal.
The perpetual ground lease of the land owned by the Municipality of Amsterdam with the rights of the leaseholder to the building contstructed thereon.

Groundlease Amsterdam

If you purchase a house or apartment in Amsterdam it is very likely that the City of Amsterdam Ground Lease will apply. About 80% of the land of Amsterdam is owned by the Municipality  and the offer ground lease instead of selling the actual property of the land. This landlease system has been applied since 1895 and is severely critisized every now and then.

Ground Lease Definitions in the Netherlands

erfpacht ground lease, long-term lease, (bedrag) ground rent;
erfpachtovereenkomst (long) lease, ground lease, long-term lease
erfpachtprijs ground lease
erfpachthouder leaseholder, lessee, leasehold,tenant
erfpachtsduur, term of the ground lease
erfpachtoverdracht transfer/assignment of a lease, transfer/assignment of (the) leasehold
erfpachtterrein, leasehold site

erfpachtperiode ground lease term, duration of the ground lease, term of the (long) lease, lease period;
de erfpacht is afgekocht, the ground rent has been bought out;
de erfpacht is eeuwigdurend the ground rent has been bought out in perpetuity;
de erfpacht is afgekocht voor 50 jaar the ground rent has been bought out for a period of 50 years;
afkoopbare ground, the ground rent can be bought out;
akte van erpacht, deed creating a ground lease;

eeuwigdurende erfpacht, lease in perpetuity, perpetually renewable lease;
de in erfpacht gegeven zaak the property subject to a long lease;
gekapitaliseerde erfpacht, capitalized ground rent, the lease has a capitalized value of…;

erfpachtbepalingen, ground lease conditions/stipulations; algemene general ground lease conditions ;
belast met erfpacht, encumbered by a ground lease;
erfpachtcanon, ground rent;
gekapitaliseerde erfpachtcanon,  capitalized ground;

erfpachtgrond leasehold land, land let on a (long)lease;
opstal op erpachtgrond, building on leasehold land.

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